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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China Page 2

  King Wen’s Teacher - The Meeting

  In preparation for a hunting trip, the Royal Scribe performed a divination for his master, King Wen (Zhou Chang), and declared: “On the north bank of the Wei River, you will find a great bounty. It will be neither a dragon, nor a tiger nor a bear, but a great Sage who is heaven-sent to be your mentor. By following his teachings, my lordship and his descendants will flourish.”

  King Wen asked: “Truly, this is the omen?”

  The Scribe replied: “My ancestor divined a harbinger similar to that of today for Emperor Shun, who then found Yao Tao to assist him.”

  King Wen fasted for three days before mounting his chariot and driving his hunting horses to the northern bank of the Wei River. There he found Jiāng Zǐyá (Tai Gong Wang) sitting on the grassy shore, fishing. King Wen approached him and then asked courteously: “Do you like fishing?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “I have heard that gentlemen and villains alike take pleasure in realizing their ambitions. My fishing is similar to your ambitions.”



  文王于是斋戒三天,然后,乘猎车,驾猎马,到渭水北岸打猎,终于见到了太公正坐在长满茅草的岸边钓鱼。文王上前慰劳并询问: “你喜欢钓鱼吗?”


  Three Authorities

  King Wen inquired, “How is it similar?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “Fishing is similar to enlisting talent. There are three baits that will attract talent: generous salaries, concern for life and death, and opportunity for recognition. For every fish there is an appropriate lure. All those who fish wish to be successful. The philosophy of fishing has deep meaning. It contains many truths, many profound principles.”



  Fishing, Nation and Attracting Talent

  King Wen said: “I would like to hear about these principles.”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “When the water is deep and flows continuously, fish will spawn there. This is in the nature of things. When the roots are deep, the tree can grow tall and produce lush vegetation and fruit. This is in the nature of things. When men of true worth come together for a common purpose and speak the truth, great accomplishments can result. This is in the nature of things. Speaking is merely representations of thought. Speaking the truth is of utmost importance. I would like to speak the truth without adornment; will it displease you?”

  King Wen said: “A man of true benevolence can accept the truth however outrageous. What makes you think I would be adverse to the idea? Please continue.”

  Jiāng Zǐyá continued: “When the fishing line and bait are small, only small fish will be caught. When the line and bait are of medium size, medium size fish will be caught. When the line is strong and the bait generous, large fish will be caught. When men accept salaries from the ruler, they will submit to him. When a ruler provides adequate rewards, men will perform to the limit of their capabilities for him. If a ruler treats the families as the foundation of the state, the state will be his. If a ruler uses the state as the base to conquer the kingdom, the kingdom will be his.”





  Shang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty

  “For many generations, with much exuberance, the vast Shang Dynasty has gathered much wealth and achieved prosperity but in the end it will all evaporate. Quietly the Zhou Dynasty has laid a foundation for a future greatness that will brightly shine in all directions. It is subtle and mysterious. That is how the Sage attracts the hearts of people, subtly, through his virtues. The plans of the Sage wondrously provide that the desires of all will be met, that everyone gets what he seeks; thus the ruler achieves his goals by embracing the people.

  太公慨叹地说:“幅员广大、历代多代的[商王朝],它所积聚起来的东西,终归要烟消云散。不声不响,暗中准备的[周国],它的光辉必定会普照四方。微妙啊! 圣人的德化,就在于独创地、潜移默化地收揽人心。欢乐啊!圣人考虑的事情,就在于使人人各得其所,从而建立起收揽人心的方法。”

  Gaining the Kingdom and Populace

  King Wen asked: “How can a ruler embrace the people in such a manner that they will give him their allegiance?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “This cannot be done by a single means but by constantly showing the Way of Heaven to all people. A ruler who shares the wealth of the kingdom with all the people will gain the kingdom. A ruler who monopolizes the profits will lose the kingdom. All Heaven has its four seasons, and the Earth its resources. A ruler capable of sharing the resources with people is truly benevolent. Whenever a ruler has true benevolence, all under Heaven will give him their allegiance. A ruler; who saves the people from dangers, eliminates their hardships, relieves their misfortunes; is a virtuous ruler. Whenever a ruler has true virtue, all under Heaven will give him their allegiance. A ruler, who shares weals and woes, likes and dislikes with the people; is righteous ruler. The people will follow a righteous ruler. All people fear death and take pleasure in life. They appreciate virtue and pursue profit. Helping all the people become prosperous is the Way of Heaven. Whenever a ruler walks the Way, all under Heaven will give him their allegiance.”

  King Wen bowed and said: “This is true wisdom. I dare not refuse Heaven's edict and mandate.” He then invited Jiāng Zǐyá to return with him in his chariot to his palace and henceforth be his teacher.



  文王再—次拜谢以后,说:“先生讲的太恰当了,我怎能不接受上天的旨意呢!” 于是,把太公请上车一起回到国都,并拜他为师。

  Fullness and Emptiness

  King Wen asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “In the world there are many different states in many divergent conditions, some full, others empty, some ordered and others in chaos. What causes these differences? Are they the result of differences in the moral character of the rulers? Or are they the result of natural changes and transformation of Heaven (astrology)?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá answered: “When a ruler lacks moral character, then his state will be in danger and the affairs of the people will be in chaos. When a ruler has strong moral character, then his state will be secure and peaceful and the affairs of the people will be well-ordered. The fortune and misfortunes of the state depend on the character of its ruler, not with natural changes and transformation of Heaven.”

  King Wen said: “It would please me to hear more about the Sages of antiquity.”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “When Emperor Yao[3] governed the kingdom, people referred to him as a worthy ruler.”

  King Wen asked: “How did he govern the kingdom?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “When Emperor Yao ruled the world, he did not bother with personal adornments of gold, silver, pearls and jade. He did not bother with clothes that were brocaded, embroidered or elegantly decorated. He did not bother with collecting strange, rare or unusual things. He did not bother with idle amusements or licentiousness. He did not bother with lavishly decorating the palace or the state buildings. He did not even bother to trim the reeds that grew about his courtyard. He wore a deerskin robe and simple clothes to cover his body and ward off the cold. He ate coarse food: unpolished grain and thick soup made from ordinary vegetables. He was careful not to disturb the labor of the people or disrupt the seasons for agriculture and sericulture with conscription. He moderated his own personal desires, curbed own his willfulness and directed the affairs of state with minimal interference in the everyday affairs of the people.

  “He honored those officials who upheld the laws, who were loyal, honest and of high integrity, and gave them generous salaries. He showed his love and respect for those among the people who were filial and compassionate. He comforted and encouraged those who labored in agriculture and sericulture. He distinguished virtuous from the evil by honoring the virtuous. He promoted fair laws and strong enforcement to prohibit artifice and to promote virtuousness.

  “If there was someone with merit who he personally disliked, in spite of his dislike, he would still reward him. If there was someone guilty of wrongdoing who he loved, in spite of his love, he would still punish him. He saw to the needs of the widows, orphans and solitary elders. He gave aid and restitution to those who had suffered misfortune.

  “The resources he allotted to himself were very meager. The taxes and services he required of his people were very small. As a result the whole country was prosperous and happy and never suffered from hunger and cold. The people revered him. They looked upon him as if he were the sun and moon and gave their allegiance to him as if he were truly their father.”

  King Wen nodded and said: “Great indeed is the worthy and virtuous ruler!”






  大公说:“帝尧为君主时,不用金银珠玉装饰,不穿锦绣华丽的衣服,不观赏珍贵稀奇的物品,不珍藏古玩宝器,不听淫佚的音乐,不粉饰宫庭墙垣,不雕饰甍桷椽楹,不修剪庭院茅草,以鹿裘御寒,以布衣遮体,吃粗粮饭,喝野菜汤,不因劳役而误农时,约束心志而从事清静无为。官吏中忠正守法的,就升迁爵位,廉洁爱民的 就增加禄。人民中有孝敬父母、抚爱幼小的就敬重他;尽力从事农桑的就慰勉他。区别善恶良莠,表彰善良人家,提倡公正节操,以法制禁止奸邪诈伪。对厌恶的人,他有功必赏;对喜爱的人,他有罪必罚。赡养鳏寡孤独的人,救济祸患伤亡的家。至于帝尧自己则是生活俭朴,征用赋税劳役很少,所以天下万民富足安乐而没 有饥寒的面容。百姓爱戴他象景仰日月一样,亲近他象亲近父母一样。”


  Affairs of State

  King Wen said to Jiāng Zǐyá: “I would like to learn more about properly administering the affairs of state. I wish to be an honorable ruler who has the respect of the people in a peaceful land. What should I do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “Love the people.”

  King Wen asked: “What do you mean: love the people?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “Act in the interest of the people; do not harm them. Protect their lives; do not kill them. Help them prosper; do not rob them. Promote their welfare; do not burden them. Give them happiness; do not cause anger. Grant them cause to have joy; do not create sorrow

  King Wen asked: “Can you explain the reason in this?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “When the ruler helps the people maintain productive positions in society, he has profited them. When the farmers can attend to the necessary labor for each season, he has helped them to produce. When the ruler reduces punishments and fines, he has given them a better life. When he has imposed only light taxes, he has given them grants. When a ruler keeps expenditures for his palaces, mansions, terraces and pavilions to a minimum, and allows the people to spend instead on their needs, he gives them happiness. When his officials are not corrupt, cruel or capricious, he makes the people happy.

  “But if the ruler allows the people lose their productive positions in society, he has harmed them. If the farmers are not able to attend to the seasons duties, he has destroyed them. If the people are innocent but he punishes them, he has slain them. If the ruler imposes heavy taxes, he robs them. If the ruler builds numerous palaces, mansions, terraces and pavilions, thereby diminishing the people’s strength, he has made it bitter for them. If his officials are corrupt, cruel and capricious, he makes the people angry.”

  “Thus, the ruler who excels at administering the affairs of state governs the people the way parents treats their beloved children, as an older brother treats his beloved younger brother, with tenderness. When he sees that the people suffer from hunger and cold, he is troubled for them. When he sees them in distress and suffering, he grieves for them.

  “A ruler should impose rewards and punishments as if he were imposing them upon himself. He should impose taxes as if he were imposing them on himself. This is the way he loves the people.”






  太公说:不使人民失去职业,就是给了人民利益;不耽误农时,就是促进了人民的生产;不惩罚无罪的人,就是保护了人民的生命;少收赋税,就是给了人民实惠; 少建宫室台榭,就能使人民安乐;官吏清廉不苛扰盘剥,就能
使人民喜悦。反之,如果使人民失去职业,就是损害了他们的利益;耽误农时,就是破坏了他们的生 产;人民无罪而妄加惩罚,就是杀害;对人民横征暴敛,就是掠夺;多修建宫室台榭,就会增加人民的痛苦;官吏贪污苛扰,就会使人民愤怒。


  Great Forms of Propriety - Forms of Propriety between Ruler and Officials

  King Wen asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “What is the proper form of behavior between a ruler and his officials?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “A ruler should try to understand and appreciate the circumstances facing his officials and his people. The officials should be respectful and dutiful. To understand his officials and his people, the ruler should try to be close to them. For the officials to be dutiful, they should not conceal anything from their ruler.

  “The ruler should be benevolent. The officials should wholeheartedly perform their official duties to the best of their abilities. The benevolence of the ruler should be all encompassing, like the Heaven. The determination of the officials in the performance their duties should be as solid as the Earth. One Heaven, one Earth; that is how propriety should be observed.”



  Great Forms of Propriety - Disposition of the Ruler

  King Wen asked: “How should a powerful ruler comport himself?”